Inspire your customers with
direct impact and transparency

Empower your customers to directly support the people behind the products they love.
Increasing loyalty, building trust & standing out
Become a partner brand

How tip me works

We install
tip me into your online shop in 30 min.

Your customers can give a tip

We ensure workers receive 100% of tips

You win loyal customers & higher revenue

Your benefits:

64% of customers
trust your brand & sustainability more

higher retention because of tip me

55% more recommendations

18% of customers say they shop
at our brands
because of tip me

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What customers say

+64% customers trust brand more

"With tip me, we achieved incredible community engagement with our customers."

Become a partner brand
A portrait of one of the amazing workers

Marian von Rappard, Owner DAWN denim

What customers say

We increased the retention

"With tip me, we win longterm customers come back and refer new customers for us."

Become a partner brand
A portrait of one of the amazing workers

Marc Solterbeck, CEO ethletic

What customers say

+55% referrals

"Our customers love tip me. The storytelling is amazing! They tell their friends about it at parties."

Become a partner brand
A portrait of one of the amazing workers

Michael Kortenbrede, founder bayti hier

Stronger than any certificate or label could ever be

Join our movement today.

Use transparency to 
grow your brand

tip me will do the work. You can just relax and create impact.

We'll guide you through

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Increase your revenue and trust with next level transparency.

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